
Laetitia Crahay

I think it was the latest Lucky Mag that i saw a brief interview with Laetitia Crahay and thought all at once that she was so beautiful, so very french, so lucky to have the job of accessories designer for Chanel, so unbelievably full of herself and so that woman that has the wardrobe you would fight to the death for.

"That’s one of my favorite articles about myself! It made me cry! I usually hate articles people write about me. I have a lot of interviews and people ask the most stupid things. They don’t know anything about fashion — they ask what’s the difference between haute couture and couture, or what my favorite color is. I had one interview where they asked me about skin care! “How do you have such good skin?” I don’t think about that! I smoke, I party, I drink a lot. Because of that, now everyone asks me about my skin!"

I love to learn about people who have jobs and lives that are so vastly different from my own.

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