
Raymond Pettibon

Who knew a beach towel could be so beautiful...this towel sports a painting by Pettibon of a surfer on a wave with a handwritten caption""later he could be seen in the beach parking lot, behind his van, a towel wrapped around his middle, changing out of his wet summer suit." This towel would be perfect at our house considering we live at the beach and seeing half naked people on the street changing with a towel around their waist is an every morning/evening/all day occurrence. If it weren't for the $95 price tag - for a towel! - i would be all over this purchase. But also at our house beach towels tend to vanish easily and so you never dare to spend much money on them, it's like musical towels with all the tend not to get attached one particular design. Especially since our next door neighbor has taken to making sweatshirts out of towels that no one immediately claims.

Seen first on Oh Joy!

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