
Elden Oxfords

I have long been obsessed with a pair of Bass cream colored oxfords with the brick red sole, but for some reason have just never gone all the way and bought a pair. Saw this slip on pair online this morning for only 65 bucks and thought maybe this was the day...but looking closer I realized that they were made of a canvas instead of suede and if I am not mistaken whoever took the photos used a dirty shoe...that sealed the deal for me - no thanks. Although I still am partial to the mens designs...especially the barret design, and no, not just because of the name...


Nomadic D. said...

Oh I just saw these over on tomboy style's guest post for cup of jo. They're not canvas, they're suede, and I think they're "aged" as opposed to just old and dirty. I actually love them and am wishing I could see and try on a pair in person.

Did you see these that I just posted today? I think the oxford obsession bug is going around!

Barret said...

i have seen them around the web...they are canvas and not meant to be distressed...i think it's too bad because what a great price for a new pair of spring shoes!