I may be the only one who has tender feelings towards a large handful of dirty rubber bands. When Ashley would come visit me in san francisco, he would walk around the city while i was at work and he would come home with rubber bands on his wrists and stuffed in his pockets. when we walked together he was like a little kid, eyes all lit up on what an abundance of rubberbands there were in that city (WHERE do they all come from??!!). i simultaneously rolled my eyes and thought he was the cutest thing EVER. So i started to make a ball out of all of them (for lack of anything better to make) and it sits on my desk in orange county. apparently southern california is not a weath of bands of rubberwhere ever you go but its sweet that people hand me their extras when they have one and ill still knock folks out of the way to pick one up off the ground. everytime i look at the little bundle (who i had hoped would get impressively big but alas...) it makes me think of ashley and i still flirting with a new romance and how we made it into a marriage. rubber bands...who knew.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. this has to be the best rubberband story ever.
i miss you guys...
that made my heart melt. i love that you guys fell in love.
A very sweet story - it reminds me of the xmas I gave him a bag of multi colored rubberbands and he thought it was SO stupid and then proceeded to make a big rubberband ball out of them. Wish I still had it I would give it to you for your collection! =)
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